This is just the story of myself and my family.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


In one week time I should have stop working. I'll be fifty-five. But more than ten years earlier when I was working in college came a circular to extend the service till fifty-six. I agreed with it. Then came another two years extension to fifty-eight, I still signed for it.

So now I still have another three years to go. I just hope I am always fine and ok to carry out my duties. Amin

1 comment:

rizalak said...

that is a sign that your birthday is drawing nearer and we are all are getting older.. :-) we all sympathised with your classic traffic situation, god blessed you for the next 3 years inshaallah !

sometime last week, we received a purportedly spam email from you claiming that you are now in nigeria (of all the countries there are in the world???) and you need some cash - but we just ignored that - but somehow abg nan called me to check if there is something wrong with your marriage that you need to habitate of all the places - nigeria? hehe funny isn't it?

selamat berpuasa! take care!!!

rizal ak