This is just the story of myself and my family.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


First Case
Last Saturday, one of the boys got critically injured and warded in ICU Sungai Buluh Hospital because of miscommunication in Rawang Cyber cafe. It became the frontpage headline in Harian Metro last Tuesday.
Second Case
Two of the form five boys involved in an accident with another motorcyclist hitting right angles with one another. The other motorcylist felt down and was thrown to the other side of the road and hit by another car that passed by. The man died on the spot. That happened last Friday after Jumaat prayer.
Third Case
I just can't text it down here.
Fourth Case
A sweet, afternoon session girl went missing after a 'supposedly' trip with a teacher with just another selected five student.
Fifth case
A third former - a PMR candidate was caught taking a book to the exam hall today.
Sixth case
Two months ago - a fifth former girl was ...
Seventh Case
Three months ago a fifth former boy was caught positive ....
case for my own records.

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